– Relaxed Space – Friendly People – for Beginners and experienced Yogis – Always Free –
Why meditate with us?
Is it right for you?
It's simple.
Meditation happens spontaneously. You don’t have to spend a lifetime living as a recluse to achieve enlightenment. You don’t have to spend weeks in silence or give up anything. The classes are easy and enjoyable, and as long as you keep up your daily meditation practice you will be able to achieve deep and peaceful meditations on a regular basis.
It's free.
Everybody can learn Sahaja Yoga meditation free of charge. There are no catches, no hidden expenses. Of course, you may contribute to our costs for rent and maintenance, but that is up to you. You can join any time, and come as often as you want. If you missed a class, you can just pick it up again at your convenience. It is simply the generosity of spirit of many Sahaja Yoga meditation practitioners that allows Sahaja Yoga to be taught to whomever desires it, at no cost.
You see results.
You feel relaxed and you feel a deep sense of calm. You start to feel your chakras (energy centers) and through the meditation techniques learnt you can understand the vibrations of your subtle energy system. If you are not feeling well you can meditate and use the techniques you have learnt to clear your chakras. As a consequence your emotional and mental state and your health will improve.
It's universal.
All the major religions and their core teachings are acknowledged and respected in Sahaja Yoga. Through meditation the wisdom of all the great gurus and saints is easily revealed and understood. You will find that through Sahaja Yoga meditation you will come to understand and appreciate the teachings of great teachers such as Lao Tse, Buddha, Mohammed and Jesus Christ.
It's portable
You can meditate anywhere – in a quiet room or on a noisy bus; sitting at the beach, walking in nature or listening to a concert. You don’t need to take anything with you to meditate: no mats, no special clothing or books. Thoughtless awareness – the state of meditation – is easy to achieve, if you keep meditating daily, and it can be achieved in almost any situation.
It makes sense.
Everything you’ll learn will make sense. There is a lot of common sense in Sahaja Yoga Meditation. You may learn some new things, for example, about the chakras and their respective qualities. Once you have a chance to experience the state of meditation, it feels very natural and comfortable.
It's inclusive.
In Sahaja Yoga you will find people from every walk of life, from every demographic – male and female, young and old, rich and poor, every shape, size and color, with varying interests, languages and beliefs. You don’t have to be a certain type of person to do Sahaja Yoga meditation. It is one of those rarities: something universal.
You are your own boss.
You meditate and grow at your own pace. You don’t have to keep up with others, or feel pressured into doing things you’re not comfortable with. You are your own teacher, your own guru, your own master. Sahaja Yoga meditation empowers you and enables you to help yourself. Of course, there are many people practicing Sahaja Yoga, who can teach you a great deal about yoga and meditation and its various techniques. But ultimately, all you need is within you.
It's global.
Sahaja Yoga is practiced in almost every country in the world. No matter where you travel, you can always locate a local Sahaja Yoga meditation meeting for you to attend. Whenever you get the chance, and no matter where you are, you can link up with other Sahaja Yoga practitioners and enjoy a collective meditation.
It feels good.
Without fail, every time you sit down to meditate you feel better. You may have a deep blissful meditation or just feel more relaxed and peaceful, either way you, your family and friends are reaping the benefits.
Our Approach
Know Thyself

„Sat–Chit-Ananda, means truth, attention, and joy. Your attention gets enlightened, you get the absolute truth, and you become the joy.“ Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

„… you drop into the ocean of Sat-Chit-Ananda in which you only feel the collective consciousness …“ Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

“ … you become the joy, Ananda. That’s the perfect state in which you should be.“ Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Daily Practice
Just as you need food to eat, you need to meditate to nourish your soul.
Dedicate 10-15 minutes daily for this encounter with your Self. The more you meditate and clear your chakras, the stronger your Kundalini will grow, and the deeper your experiences will be.

The key to thoughtless awareness is forgiveness. This enables the Kundalini to open your Agnya Chakra and remove blockages and the inner space of silence will grow. Forgive everybody, and also forgive yourself and your own thoughts.

A footsoak in the evening, with salt water is a great cleansing technique. Disturbances collected during the day will be absorbed by the water, and it helps to calm the right energy channel, the Pingala Nadi, in particular. You will sleep better and wake up more refreshed.
Meditation at Home
Here are a few Tips

Morning Meditation
Many people find it easiest to enter into the state of thoughtless awareness in the morning. That is why a morning meditation is recommended. Starting the day with calming your mind and inner silence, you will feel more balanced and happy throughout the day.

Put your attention on the top of your head, and try to feel a moment of silence and to remain in the present. It will become easier to enter this state of mind and these moments will grow longer.

Be receptive
Receive the cool vibrations on the open palms of your hands and let the Kundalini do the work for you. Observe your thoughts and worries coming and going, let it happen and your inner silence will grow.
Be ready to receive this gift and you will enjoy your meditations more and more!

Practice keeping your attention on the Sahasrara, the Crown Chakra throughout the day. Remember to appreciate the present moment, try living in the here and now. It may be helpful to put the palm of your hand on top of your head, or above the head, and feel the Kundalini rising.

Letting Go
If you find it difficult to calm your mind after you have sat down for meditation, surrender. Surrender your thoughts and worries to the Kundalini. Consciously offer your problems to this loving and intelligent energy. Your present state of mind will change, and possibly your overall situation as well.
Frequently Asked Questions
Want to know more?
Are the classes really free?
Yes, Sahaja Yoga is always free of charge. Sahaja Yoga is a non profit community in Austria. You may like to make a voluntary contribution towards the room hire, but there is no obligation to do so.
Who runs the classes?
Weekly classes are run by experienced practitioners, who offer guidance and help so that you can master the simple techniques in your daily life. They are all unpaid volunteers. Thursday evenings at our center in Postgasse are run by a group of experienced English speaking Sahaja Yoga practitioners, from many countries around the world, including the UK, Canada, Australia and the US. They all had first hand experience and were lucky enough to learn from Shri Mataji herself.
How long do classes last?
Typically classes last about 90 minutes. Sometimes light refreshments might be offered before or after a session.
Do I need to bring a Mat or wear special clothing?
With Sahaja Yoga Meditation we generally sit on chairs to achieve Yoga, effortlessly and spontaneously. As such no exercises (Asanas) are required, nor mat or special clothing. Just come as you are.
Do I need to pre-book?
There is no need to pre-register for a weekly meeting. You are welcome to just show up to any session.
What is Meditation?
True meditation means entering into a state of thoughtless awareness. It is not thinking. It is the vehicle that connects us both with our true Self and with that which is beyond ourselves. Meditation is the thing that nourishes our Spirit. It is the fuel for our spiritual growth and the key for our ascent. Simply put, it is our connection with the Divine.
What should I expect at a weekly meeting?
The meetings usually start with a short introduction to Sahaja Yoga Meditation at beginner’s level, followed by an explanatory video, a guided meditation session and finally a collective meditation workshop. Some sessions offer light refreshments at the beginning (or end) of the evening during which time there is further opportunity to mingle, ask questions and socialize.
Can anyone do it?
Yes, the living energy within our being, which is the key to true Yoga and meditation, is usually activated in the first session. The basics of ‘how to meditate at home’ are also explained, so you will have everything you need to make a start. Questions are welcome and answered as clearly as possible.
Do I need to be fit & flexible?
Sahaja Yoga Meditation does not involve any strenuous physical exercise at all. It focuses upon achieving Yoga through the awakening of the subtle energies within, which once awakened, naturally and effortlessly establish a remarkable state of deep inner meditation. This can all be done whilst sitting comfortably on a chair.
Is there a need to keep attending weekly classes?
Most people report that they progress faster by attending the weekly classes on a regular basis. Some even attend multiple classes on different evenings to further nourish their organic growth. Also, the experience of meditation is often more enjoyable and powerful in a group, as our individual attention can be strengthened in a collective setting.
There is so much wisdom and knowledge to be gained. Each week you can learn about different aspects of the inner subtle system, chakras, the spirit, human evolution and practical tips and techniques to enable you to master and cleanse your own physical, emotional, mental and spiritual body.
However, it is entirely up to you how often you attend.
Finding Balance
“ … So one has to have a balance in life. But if you read yourself, if you face yourself you will understand that, “No, we are not so much balanced as we should have been.” So this balance has to be brought in, in human beings and that’s why we had great prophets on this earth to teach us the balance. And these prophets came at a time where we needed this balance. At every time people became imbalanced they came on this earth to teach us balance.“ Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Becoming Joy
“ … you become the joy, ananda. That’s the perfect state in which you should be. It’s so beautiful that you want to be there all the time. This joy is the movement of your ocean of love. Is the beautiful movement of the clouds that you see. It’s fantastic, you just get drenched into it and you do everything for love’s sake and you don’t think you’re doing it for love’s sake. You do not feel that way, you just do it because it’s so joy-giving. That it is the greatest thing you may have … anything in the world will not be that much joy-giving as this joy of the Spirit which you become. You never feel lonely, you are never bored. Whether you are alone or with anyone, you are in joy.“ Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
„Every week a different person takes us on a beautiful inner journey into the realm of complete peace. A truly wonderful meditative experience which l am so grateful to have found.“
Glenda„Weekly group sessions make it is so much easier to balance one’s self. Life is beautiful when you grow calmer and more joyful over the years. We meet to share in this experience.“
Mandakini PachauriWo du uns findest
Sahaja Yoga
Postgasse 13
1010 Wien
nähe U1/U4 Schwedenplatz oder U3 Stubentor